A Review of Rick Bright’s Leaked Emails from Early 2020
Rick Bright claimed to be a whistleblower and leaked emails which ultimately led to his firing. Finding his leaked emails has been difficult until now.
Slate’s Washington, 1707 L St. NW, Washington, D.C., 20036.
Rick Bright claimed to be a whistleblower and leaked emails which ultimately led to his firing. Finding his leaked emails has been difficult until now.
It’s time pharmacists soul-search about what ‘safe’ means. Drive around San Francisco, Philadelphia, and New York, and one thing is clear – there are waves
Why is Joe Rogan following Keith Law, a “Shots Heard” member who attacks vaccine victims, and hates America, God, and everything Joe’s fans stand for?
AB2098 was one of the most unbelievably anti-American bills ever created, designed to force your doctor to lie to you. It’s now on track to
Pennsylvania Doctor requested pharma funded online social media assassination squad “Shots Heard” ‘report their pizza shop’ to ‘help it get shut down’ for planning meetings
The Importance of Understanding Racially Specific Resistance to COVID-19. Concealing Evidence of C19 Bioengineering Is A Tactical Error.
Doctors win appeal against the FDA over its misrepresentation of Ivermectin in tweets used to slander a safe and beneficial medication.
An Interview with Dr. Robert Seik, PharmD When big Pharma sold American out for Covid Profits and politics by denying treatment, independent pharmacists saved the
An Interview with Dr. Richard Amerling When covid struck, he pulled together for his country to volunteer on the frontlines of New York City. When
An Interview with Dr. Renata Moon December, 2022. US Senator Ron Johnson held hearings on the ongoing Covid Vaccine Scandal.One doctor elegantly demonstrates just how
An Interview with Dr. Jen VanDeWater, PharmD In 2020, America’s big chain pharmacies betrayed doctors and patients by refusing to fill prescriptions for two of
It turns out that Apple demanded LBRY block video searches for anything related to Covid, especially anything regarding vaccines or the human (think lab leak) origins of the virus which at the time would have put focus directly on China.
Ann Vandersteel Researches NIHgate Is the NIH covering up study data that indicates the covid vaccines cause cancer in women? Why won’t the NIH researchers
NIHGATE Does the NIH have a process in place to ‘take down’ studies, papers, or people that go against the NIH’s financial interests? Is a
Celebrating Trista’s LifeOn Saturday, March 25, 2023, friends and family gathered in Broken Arrow, OK to celebrate the life of Trista Martin. When Trista was
Why couldn’t doctors share medical opinions? Dr. Mary Talley Bowden had covid patients who needed help. When they responded well to drugs that were suggested
Targeted Intellectuals | Why doctors, nurses and scientists are censored Want to know why we have so many online med trolls and private groups actively
It’s a fight no doctor wants to be involved in. A Goliath sized hospital system bullies an independent practice physician. Unfortunately, it’s a fight that plays out daily across the US, especially since COVID-19 began. In this interview with Broken Truth’s John Davidson, Dr. Angelina Farella, MD tells the tale of her fearless fight against big hospitals, big medicine, and the mistakes those giants would rather you not know about.
FDA 6/14 & 15 Medical Mashups If you listen, the FDA will tell you all you ened to know. There is no risk to children
Episode 113: Covid-19 A Dystopian Delusion Clinton and John Interview Scott Ventureyra PhD, author of Covid 19, A Dystopian Delusion. Episode 113 in the series.