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We are supported by members of a wide spectrum of society. Our sources are doctors, lawyers, police, prisoners, ministers, government officials and everyday people from all walks of life from around the world.

Slate’s Washington, 1707 L St. NW, Washington, D.C., 20036.


Tuesday February 11, 2025


District of Columbia Office of Bar Counsel 
515 5th Street, NW
Building A, Room 117
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 638-1501
Fax: (202) 638-0862
Website: www.dcbar.org
Main Complaint Page
Complaint Form

Everything you need to report a doctor for failure to treat, failure to diagnose, vaccine coercion, uninformed consent, and undisclosed conflicts of interest can be found on this page.
For a state medical board to take disciplinary action against a doctor, the doctor must be reported to the state board(s) in which they hold a current medical license. All 50 states and the District of Columbia each have their own medical board with their own specific process for filing and investigating complaints from the public.



STEP 2: Select the State in the map above to find the Doctor’s license number, file a complaint, and more

STEP 3: Click “License Search” and follow the directions on the page.

  • Enter the doctor’s name and click search.
  • Write down their license number and address for use in the official complaint.

STEP 4: Return to the state’s dropdown menu below where you selected “License Search,” and click “File a Complaint.”

  • Each states’s dropdown menu includes links to additional information about each state’s investigation and enforcement processes as well as general board information.

Once you have filed an submitted a complaint, click here and let us know who you reported and a brief description why you reported them.

Thank you!

Sapan Desai MD (Ohio and Illinois)

“This is medicine, and medicine should be based on data and science.” (Just before his research was exposed as fake).

Anthony Fauci MD (Maryland)

“We really don’t care that 75% (of Doctors) think it works.” Fauci on FOX & Friends 2020

Ryan Marino MD (Ohio)

“The pro-ivermectin crowd would have you believe that the science on ivermectin is being “suppressed.” It is not.” NBC Universal propaganda opinion peice where Dr. Marino failed to disclose his employer’s conflicts of interest with Pfizer.