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Slate’s Washington, 1707 L St. NW, Washington, D.C., 20036.


Saturday July 27, 2024


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Richard Pan Textless

Dr. Richard Pan, Freedom Killer

Sacramento Mayoral Candidate and former state Senator Richard Pan is one of the most vile doctors and state senators in California history. He’s also a member of Shots Heard, a big pharma harassment organization.

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Dr. Renata Moon Interview

An Interview with Dr. Renata Moon December, 2022. US Senator Ron Johnson held hearings on the ongoing Covid Vaccine Scandal.One doctor elegantly demonstrates just how

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Rotten Apple

BAD APPLE: Apple Censored COVID Origins

It turns out that Apple demanded LBRY block video searches for anything related to Covid, especially anything regarding vaccines or the human (think lab leak) origins of the virus which at the time would have put focus directly on China.

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NIHGATE Does the NIH have a process in place to ‘take down’ studies, papers, or people that go against the NIH’s financial interests? Is a

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