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Saturday February 22, 2025

Shots Heard Member & Contact Tracer For Santa Clara County Got Doctors Banned From Twitter

This is a series of stories documenting the tactics and lawfare used against Americans who rebelled against the medical tyranny and money grab of the COVID wars. These documents and screen grabs were obtained from whistleblowers in various private online communities, often at great risk, in order to show the world what traditional news outlets refuse to cover.

Former Intel Employee Nancy Pressel Alpert volunteered her time to Santa Clara county to ‘get people’s contacts’. Nancy also worked to get Dr. Mary Talley Bowden Banned from Twitter with Pharma linked online harassment group “Shots Heard Round The World”.

Shots Heard Around the World has a private Facebook group moderated by employees of Public Good Projects (PGP). PGP received $883,000 from a big pharma lobbyist group named BIO. Moderna, Pfizer, and Giliead are among BIO’s members. The group was weaponized by its members to attack anyone who spoke out about vaccine risks or alternative treatments to covid that were not profitable for pharmaceutical companies.

We are showing you what these people did. Shots Heard members were doctors, nurses, democrat campaign managers, teachers, and often lonely retirees who embraced a job they felt had purpose. These are admirable qualities for most citizens and typically we should embrace them. Sometimes however, the fear of losing that purpose or status can result in disastrous actions. Factor in the isolation forced onto Americans by our botched covid response and you can easily understand how good people could be used for wicked deeds.

None of that justifies the actions taken by Shots Heard and it’s members.

Nancy Alpert Shots Heard
Nancy Alpert Shots Heard Posts Celebrating Dr. Bowden’s removal from Twitter

“Many of us had a hand in that.”

In the screen grabs below, Shots Heard members reveled in Dr. Mary Talley Bowden being banned from twitter. In the comments Nancy Pressel Alpert states “Many of us had a hand in that. Yay, us!”

An eye opening interview.

In this interview on 2/22/22, Nancy, an ‘Intel Alumni’ discusses her role as a contact tracer and later a mass vaccination organizer.

Nancy Alpert Twitter

There’s absolutely nothing scary about handing over your private contacts to someone who randomly calls you and has a public profile that says ‘fuck Republicans’.

Nancy gloated over participating in the social media deplatforming of a medical doctor in the midst of a pandemic, one where our nations response was by all accounts disastrous. Is it possible that our response was so poor, despite emptying our coffers into the wallets of companies that were paying some of her co-conspirators, because of actions of people like Nancy? Look at the statements she made in this interview and think about that.

When people ask how the people of Nazi Germany could become monsters, perhaps it involved good people doing bad things and sacrificing their freedom due to generated fear. Perhaps it involved silencing voices in the name of “science”.

2/22/22 Interview with Nancy Alpert

On the topic of being a contact tracer.

“It is hard to elicit people’s contacts because there’s a huge mistrust among many populations for the government, for telling on someone. I have to say um, I’m pretty good at getting people’s contacts because contact tracing is about trust. It’s about trust, it’s about listening. You know, we’re asking people to voluntarily give up really sensitive information. So once I get people’s contacts I make a record for them and it goes over to the people who do contact tracing. “

Is there something particularly interesting, I mean something that will be memorable to you, maybe even preferably in a good way, you know like what’s happened that gave you extra confidence in our response?

“You know, it’s funny I was thinking last night. I have broken up Super Bowl parties, I have ruined people’s Christmases, I have seen it, heard it, all….I’ve had interpreters get in arguments with the people I’m trying to interview. Probably the most real, most memorable case that I had. This was a two and a half hour call and it was 4:45 on a Friday…”

Nancy then tells the story of a Spanish speaking woman who she called about possible exposure. The woman’s husband ended up in the hospital with covid, gets back out, has a pulmonary embolism, goes back in and the hospital vented him. Then the husband had another pulmonary embolism. Doctors said he wasn’t going to make it. Clergy performed last rights, took the husband off life support, and he woke up and recognized his wife, slipped into a coma but ultimately survived.

This interview is incredible because it exposes how people have fetishized government response to crises. For example, when discussing the AIDS crisis in the 80’s, Nancy says:
“I think that one of the best things that came out of it (the AIDS crisis) is helping people trust government. Because you have to be able to know how to develop trust, especially when dealing with sexually transmitted diseases.”

Later she adds:
“So I do think that I’ve saved several lives. I can’t tell you how many times I have said ‘Please hang up right now and call 911’. I don’t know, and it would be unethical to go back and look. And I don’t look at obituaries either. It doesn’t feel right, so I know I’ve saved some lives.”

Was it (this covid experience) fun in many regards?

So, for me, yes. Not everybody. I know a couple of librarians who could not wait to their regular jobs with the county. For me, I would say, it was probably the most..it is the most rewarding work I’ve ever done in my life. And you know, it takes a certain personality. What are the things that I love? People fascinate me. And I explain things well. Something I learned at Intel. Explaining technology to non-technical reporters. And, I like to talk. It’s a perfect job for me.

About vaccinating kids
Then when kids came (to the mass vaccination clinic) that was just great. Kids were scared, and you know, we could give them the spa treatment if they were really that scared. I got to calm people down. Make sure people stayed away from each other till they were vaccinated, you know, it was really fun. It was just so joyful, I loved it.

The FDA knew kids were at low risk from COVID

This video shows the FDA’s statements in June 2022 regarding the lack of benefit of the vaccines for children. Many children have been harmed and killed by these vaccines and the FDA’s own officials know the benefit is low, and yet they continue to promote these vaccinations. Statistically children are not at risk from covid.

Silencing and Censoring are not Science

Nancy and her friends in shots heard like to silence anyone who warns about vaccine injuries. It was known in 2021 that the FDA knew of myocarditis risks in young males and intentionally released the vaccine anyways.
You can also see potential risks for children in this Moderna Fact Sheet.

The people in Shots Heard are privately claiming they are victims now that we are shining a light on their actions, and that is true in a sense. They are victims of decades of propaganda and misinformation that made them think all vaccines were ‘safe and effective’. The truth is we have decades of evidence these vaccines weren’t safe, all the way back to the polio vaccine.

PGP Paid by Pharma
PGP Paid by Pharma

Watch the interview with Nancy Alpert above. Let’s hope she uses this public exposure as an opportunity to recognize she was hoodwinked and helps us convince other members of Shots Heard stop their online attacks. If you were or are a member of these types of groups, we welcome whistleblowers.

We have bigger enemies to fight.

Our news media is corrupt and hijacked. You can support our efforts at independent journalism – and get your name in the credits of our upcoming documentary by donating here.  Thank you!!!



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"What we priests were forced to endure under the Nazi regime, especially in Dachau concentration camp, is no more than a cup filled from the vast sea of human suffering in the world today," wrote Fr. John Lenz. "It is not this suffering as such that is important. The important thing is to show those who have crosses of their own to bear in life just what the grace of God can do for those who follow faithfully in the footsteps of Christ the Crucified. It is no less important to reveal the wickedness of Hell."

The Nazi hellhole Dachau concentration camp held the largest number of Catholic priests -- more than 2,400 -- in the Nazi camp system. They came from two dozen countries, from every background -- parish priests and prelates, monks and friars, teachers and missionaries. More than one-third were killed.

Among the survivors was Fr. Lenz, who was asked by his superiors to write an account of what he saw -- and experienced -- so that it would not be forgotten. This book, filled with gripping real-life stories and eighty photos, was the stunning result and became an immediate sensation.

This work is unique among those written on the Holocaust; it reveals how, by tireless sacrifice amid barbaric suffering, the Church was victorious in one of the darkest times in human history. When the Nazis entered several European countries, many people were afraid to speak up. Numerous priests, however, continued to preach the gospel and the truth about the dignity of life and freedom. Through their courageous witness you will learn about:

The arrest and imprisonment of priests and other faithful citizens
What really happened at Dachau and the horrific treatment of prisoners
How priests ministered to fellow prisoners and prayed unceasingly in the camps
Ways in which priests secretly brought the Blessed Sacrament to the people and heard confessions
Spiritual lessons learned in the face of death and despair

"Only when we are forced to endure the most profound suffering and hardship do we learn how to catch hold of God's hand in our misery," Fr. Lenz reflected. "We learn to pray."
Christ in Dachau by Fr. John Lenz
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