‘Epidemic of Fraud’ Fallout: Did the FDA heads know HCQ was safe?
An explosive interview with Dr Didier Raoult reveals a possible motive behind the FDA acting commissioner’s refusal to discuss Coxiella Burnetti.
Slate’s Washington, 1707 L St. NW, Washington, D.C., 20036.
An explosive interview with Dr Didier Raoult reveals a possible motive behind the FDA acting commissioner’s refusal to discuss Coxiella Burnetti.
Truth is more infectious than fear. Epidemic of Fraud has gone viral!
Epidemic of Fraud, a new documentary highlighting the beginnings of our nation’s failed Covid-19 response now playing for BrokenTruth subscribers.
Tesla doesn’t advertise, which makes the company a prime target for misrepresentation by news media. Point in case – today’s histrionic AP headline about a recall.
The Truth about Tesla’s Lithium Addiction. A fact sheet about Lithium and where we mine it.
The Dark Side: Jonathan Laxton MD is a loyal Shots Heard Stormtrooper.
In this article we reveal a Star-Wars loving propaganda-peddling doctor who is a member of at least 3 misinformation harassment squads.
It’s time pharmacists soul-search about what ‘safe’ means. Drive around San Francisco, Philadelphia, and New York, and one thing is clear – there are waves
Why is Joe Rogan following Keith Law, a “Shots Heard” member who attacks vaccine victims, and hates America, God, and everything Joe’s fans stand for?
Today’s Shots Heard Hall of Shame focuses on a group member with a fake account that caused very real problems for many people, targeting college students, other medical doctors, and even went after WIX hosted websites.
Shots Heard Member Dorit Reiss has been a major voice for the destruction of human rights in the United States. Her hubris is shocking.
Sacramento Mayoral Candidate and former state Senator Richard Pan is one of the most vile doctors and state senators in California history. He’s also a member of Shots Heard, a big pharma harassment organization.
Meet Shots Heard Member and Contact Tracer Nancy Alpert, a volunteer in Santa Clara Co. She helped ‘get people’s contacts’ and also got Dr. Mary Bowden banned from Twitter.
AB2098 was one of the most unbelievably anti-American bills ever created, designed to force your doctor to lie to you. It’s now on track to
Pennsylvania Doctor requested pharma funded online social media assassination squad “Shots Heard” ‘report their pizza shop’ to ‘help it get shut down’ for planning meetings
If you think places like Iowa or Colorodo are safe from the communist wolves in woke clothing, you’re dead wrong. They’re everywhere.
The Importance of Understanding Racially Specific Resistance to COVID-19. Concealing Evidence of C19 Bioengineering Is A Tactical Error.
Doctors win appeal against the FDA over its misrepresentation of Ivermectin in tweets used to slander a safe and beneficial medication.
Epic Listen: Former Canadian Ambassador to Israel Outed as Israeli Firm Intelligence Asset Live on Twitter Space
A Superior Court of CA lawsuit against Kaiser Permanente alleging tissue trafficking and child sexual mutilation in San Francisco is moving forward.
7,600 people purchased fake nursing degrees used to obtain nursing licenses. Those nursing licenses turned into jobs. Is your nurse one of them?