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Slate’s Washington, 1707 L St. NW, Washington, D.C., 20036.


Saturday March 15, 2025
Watch "Epidemic of Fraud" Now


Office of the Guam Bar Association Ethics Prosecutor Ethics Prosecutor
Guam Judicial Center, 2nd Floor
120 West O’Brien Drive
Hagatna, Guam 969104-5174
(671) 475-3167
Fax: (671) 475-3400
Website: www.guambar.org/

Comision de Etica Prfesional President
Colegio de Abogados de Puerto Rico San Juan, PR 00902
(809) 723-6984
(809) 721-3358
Fax : (809) 725-0330

Tribunal Supremo de Puerto Rico Secretary
San Juan, PR 00903
(809) 723-6033 Ext. 4018 Fax: (809) 722-9177


Department of Justice Solicitor General Office of the Solicitor General Post Office Box 192
San Juan, PR 00902 (809) 724-2165
Fax: (809) 724-3380

Office of Disciplinary Counsel Disciplinary Counsel Supreme Court of the Virgin Islands Post Office Box 590
St. Thomas, VI 00804
(340) 693-4127
Fax: (340) 693-4109 Website: www.visupremecourt.org

Office of Professional Responsibility U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 3266 Washington, DC 20530-0001
(202) 514-3365
Fax: (202) 514-5050
Website: www.justice.gov/opr/

Bar Counsel
Executive Office for Immigration Review 5107 Leesburg Pike, Suite 2600 Falls Church, VA 22041
(703) 305-0470
Fax: (703) 305-0443

Office of Enrollment & Discipline Director
Post Office Box 1450
600 Dulany Street – 8D69 Alexandria, VA 22313-4450 (571) 272-4097
Fax: (703) 273-0074 Website: www.uspto.gov/index.html

The Judge Advocate General

Counsel HQ-USAF/JA
1420 Air Force Pentagon Washington, DC 20330-1420 (703) 614-5732
Fax: (703) 614-8894

Office of the Judge Advocate General
1777 North Kent Street
Rosslyn, VA 22209-2197
(703) 588-6714
Fax: (703) 588-0122

U.S. Coast Guard 2100-2nd Street SW Washington, DC 20593-0001 (202) 267-1617
Fax: (202) 267-4716

Staff Judge Advocate to the Commandant of the Marine Corps Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps
Washington, DC 20380-1775
(703) 737-1853
Fax: (703) 695-5111

Director Military Personnel Division (Code 61) OJAG
Department of the Navy
200 Stovall Street
Alexandria, VA 22232
(703) 325-5830
Fax: (703) 325-9152

Office of the Legal Services Commissioner

GPO Box 4460 Sydney NSW 2001 DX359 Sydney
(02) 9377-1800
Fax: (02) 9377-1888 Website: www.austbar.asn.au/


Law Society of Upper Canada Senior Counsel-Discipline Osgoode Hall 130 Queen Street West Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5H 2N6
(800) 268-7568
(416) 947-3310
Fax: (416) 947-5263 Website: www.lsuc.on.ca/regulation/

The Law Society of British Columbia Discipline Counsel
845 Cambie Street Vancouver, BC
Canada V6B 4Z9
(800) 903-5300
(604) 669-2533
Fax: (604) 669-5399 Website: www.lawsociety.bc.ca/


Office of the Supervision of Solicitors Director
Victoria Court
8 Dormer Place
Leamington Spa, Warwickshire CV32 5AE UK
Fax: 0196-431435
Website: www.lawsociety.org.uk/home.law



Paris Bar Association 11, Place Dauphine 75053 Paris, RP-SP France

(33) 01-44-32-48-48 Fax: (33) 01-46-34-77-65

Everything you need to report a doctor for ethics violations, professional misconduct, failure to report serious violations of rules of Professional Conduct, and undisclosed conflicts of interest can be found on this page.

Please follow the directions below and thank you for your help holding these unscrupulous lawyers accountable!

For a state bar to take disciplinary action against a lawyer, the lawyer must be reported to the state bar(s) in which they hold a current license.

While Broken Truth cannot submit a complaint on your behalf, we can provide you with state specific resources to make filing a complaint as easy as possible.

Once you have filed an submitted a complaint, let us know! Click here and let us know who you reported and and a brief description why you reported them.

Thank you!

Perkins Coie

Muzik Inc, an ex-client of Perkins Coie, has sued the law firm for malpractice and fraud, alleging that an attorney who represented it while working at that firm failed to file its patent applications and then lied about it, costing the company “hundreds of millions of dollars” in lost royalties, among other things.