Pharma Lobbyist 'BIO' Paid Groups Who Targeted Doctors and Nurses
Pharma lobbyist group "BIO" funded groups that launched medical license complaints against MD who threatened the FDA's Emergency Use Authorization.
BIO is a lobbyist whose members include Pfizer, Moderna, Gilead and all the big COVID response winners. BIO helped fund groups like Public Good Projects, the organizer of another group that launched medical license complaints against doctors whose opinions threatened the FDA's Emergency Use Authorization.
We were recently asked to prove that a pharma lobbyist group funded a “non-profit” that persecuted doctors and nurses who spoke out about vaccine injuries and COVID treatments. If a COVID treatment proved effective, the FDA would be forced to remove the Emergency Use Authorization established by the FDA.
In other words, the EUA allows pharma companies to fleece American taxpayers and lets the FDA green-light every expensive treatment and test known to man, but the con only works as long as the FDA hasn't approved any official treatment for a disease.
This is why we can't get past covid. The pay is just too good!
According to the 2021 Form 990 for BIO, Public Good Projects was paid approximately $883,000.
And where did that money go? To help create pro-vaccine groups like "This is our shot" and "Shots heard round the world". Shots heard is staffed with people like Ben Ernst, who was a Campaign manager for Amy Klobuchar's failed 2020 presidential campaign. Repeatedly we found links to democrats in this pharma funded 'non-profit'.
So what did Public Good Projects and its CEO former USAID and CDC employee Dr. Joe Smyser do with all that money? Well they attacked doctors like Mary Talley Bowden, who just recently sent the FDA running back to Mama with a spanked bottom thanks to a Fifth Circuit Court of appeals decision about the FDA's misleading statements about Ivermectin.
And when we say attacked, we mean ATTACKED. Take this post by 'Chris Tina' from the private group.
Chris Tina is actually Dr. Christina Propst, a physician and pediatrician also in Houston, TX. Dr. Propst apparently is among those who filed frivolous, anonymous medical license complaints against Dr. Bowden, resulting in wasted time and effort as Dr. Bowden has repeatedly won the medical license complaint 'trials' based on complaints like the ones solicited by Dr. Propst in the not-so-private 'Shots Heard Round The World' Facebook group. The group repeatedly went after doctors and medical professionals who treated patients with ivermectin. Ivermectin is a 'miracle drug' that is given away for free to African countries by Merck. It has shown anti-viral properties and if it was a useful treatment would threatened the unlimited gold mine of funds hospitals get by using the dangerous drug remdesivir.
Dr. Propst's war against Dr. Bowden seems to have become an obsession. According to other sources she uses an alias of 'Christina Barbara' to attack Dr. Bowden. One of the issues she seems to have is that Dr. Bowden used ivermectin 'off label', which is a practice doctors have used since the beginning of modern medicine.
It's not unusual for drugs to be used for indications other than their intended purpose. For example, before it became the bane of existence to every mistress or grandma who just wanted to go to sleep, Viagra was originally meant to be used to treat high blood pressure. It wasn't until clinical trials that researchers discovered its more 'prominent' effects.
Despite the efforts against her, Dr. Bowden is fighting back...and winning.
This cannot be stressed enough. Since Ivermectin is cheap, if it were allowed to work it would end the FDA's EUA and destroy the profits associated with the outrageously overpriced remdesivir, known by many nurses in the world as 'Run, Death is Near'.
Who Is Behind Public Good Projects
Public Good Projects has many curious links, including ties to USAID, Merck, Discovery, Boston Globe, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Google, Morgan Stanley and Vizient. You can view many of their links in the helpful little sis map below!
These are just a few of the terrible attacks launched at doctors and nurses who wanted share information with the public when a medication worked. There is apparently a list of all members of 'Shots Heard'. We can't help but wonder who else has been a part of this travesty.
And if you need an explanation of why Facebook allows this group, it may have something to do with the fact that according to PGP's 2021 Form 990, Public Good Projects paid Facebook $409,165 in that year alone.
PUBLIC-GOOD-PROJECTS-Full-Filing-Nonprofit-Explorer-ProPublica Download
Watch our interview with Dr. Mary Talley Bowden here.